Most people have used a Windows computer in their lives. If you remember, there are specific processes that require the ‘Administrative’ right and usually throw a pop-up asking you to grant administrative privileges to the process. In Linux, this is known as root access. Most Linux-based hosting plans don’t offer access to the root since it allows the user to make any changes to the system. Providers do this to prevent users from causing damage, knowingly or unknowingly. However, some websites need this access to install custom software or other applications.
Most website hosting providers offer complete root access to their users with VPS Hosting plans. In Virtual Private Server Hosting, a web server is divided into multiple virtual servers using a server virtualization software called the hypervisor. It ensures that all virtual servers are complete in themselves with dedicated resources and account isolation. Hence, by granting root access to one virtual server, the entire web server is not at risk.
Today, we are going to talk about root access with your VPS and how you can make the most out of it.
Root Access
The root account has the most privileges on a system. As a root user, you can allow or deny access permissions for any processes or files. While it keeps the operating system safe, root access also offers maximum flexibility to configure the system as per your requirements.
Before you use root access, it is crucial to remember that this account does not have a safety net. Hence, a careless error or an accidental deletion of a critical file can make the entire virtual server inoperable. If you are new to using the root account, ensure that you have the latest system backups on hand.
Using Root Access Optimally
Once you log in as a root user, there is no limit to what you can do. You can customize your VPS Hosting as per the website’s specific needs. Here are some examples of how you can make the most out of root access with VPS:
- Install and configure ClamAV for your cPanel
- Use EasyApache to upgrade PHP
- Install the Munin plugin for your WHM
- Use Exim to locate spam and find the best auto-responders for your incoming emails.
- Use SSH or WHM to manage the Exim queue. Further, you can use Exim to copy emails from one server to another
- Combine multiple cPanel accounts for easier management
- Split one cPanel account into multiple accounts if needed
- Change the timezone of MySQL
- Enhance security by using cPHulk Brute Force Protection
- Manage POP3 mail service, etc.
The list of things that you can do using root access is a long one. With the ability to customize the VPS as per your requirements, you can make any changes you want. Remember, making these changes needs technical expertise. Hence, use the root account if you have the necessary technical knowledge or hire a professional to make the changes for you. You can also consider buying a Managed VPS plan where the host manages the VPS for you. Assess the needs of your website and use root access to create a customized website experience for your customers. Good Luck!