You need to get organized and, for that, you need to be aware of Instagram metrics. After all, they are the ones that will tell you what are the best days and times for you to post on your profile.
Learn about your peak days and times using metrics
Metrics are the graphs that Instagram makes available for profiles that are in commercial mode enabled.
This feature serves to show you data such as:
- How many people are viewing your publications
- How many people are interacting with you
- What reach are you having with each publication
- Which audience are you reaching
Among other graphics that will help you to know your audience and improve your engagement on the social network. There are no doubt that Instagram’s peak days and times make all the difference for those who know how to take advantage of this strategy. For example, let’s say your peak days are on Thursdays, from 6 pm to 8:30 pm.
As your engagement is high at these times, Instagram itself will realize the quality of reach of your post and the social network itself will take your publication to other people, even those who do not follow you, through the explore tab. Using the free instagram scheduler is essential there.
Therefore, posts with many likes and comments tend to be more relevant to Instagram’s algorithms. That is why it is so important to be aware of these types of specificity.
Check posts with more engagement and repeat
But calm down, okay? Repetitive content is not good for your profile. What we mean is that, if you made a post and had a good return, do the same planning with the next ones, only with diversified content.
For example, on the Instagram, we give entrepreneurship tips using series and movies as a theme and, from the first time we posted this type of content, we saw that our audience interacted a lot and, therefore, we continued these posts. Another example of a post that engages very well is the sweepstakes on Instagram.
They are so successful that most companies and influencers use this strategy to better engage with their current audience and to gain new followers. So give the public what belongs to the public. Make them identify with you and your business.
But how do you make your customers feel represented?
Getting someone to follow you on Instagram is easy. But getting someone to identify with you and create an emotional connection is a different challenge. A company that connects brands to relevant influencers, focusing on influencers with up to 500 thousand followers.
In this same perspective, think that your audience is looking for profiles in which they can feel represented.
Therefore, analyze it as follows:
Will my followers like my posts?
Would I, instead of them, interact with these types of posts?
In addition to all the identity you have ever built from your Instagram profile and business , your followers are part of the main pieces for your reach and engagement to work. Thinking together with your followers is one of the best strategies to win them over, without a doubt.
So, what do you have to say about scheduling posts on Instagram?
Did you like the tips? So tell me here in the comments. Also tell me how you plan your posts or about some cool program that you know, okay?
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