“To err is human,” so they say. However, it’s vital to note that there are areas where errors are unacceptable. For instance, an error in the manufacturing industry can cost the company money and reputation. Today, manufacturers are doing anything possible to reduce the occurrence of errors during production. Automation is helping them achieve their dreams.
Just like other industries, the plastic manufacturing sector is jumping to the automation trend, which not only helps to eliminate human error but also helps in cutting labor and energy costs. By automating their processes, manufacturers can minimize the number of people involved in the production process. Incorporating injection molding robots in your operations can offer many benefits to your company. Here’s how your company stands to benefit:
Enhanced Quality of Your Products
An automated production process produces better quality yields compared to a manual process. Tests runs conducted on both manual, and automated systems have made this observation abundantly clear. Currently, many manufacturing companies are focusing on installing injection molding robots to handle raw materials and finished products. But did you know you can also use robots to conduct quality control checks?
It possible to have a robot that examines every product to ensure that it meets the set standards. These robots can be programmed to check parameters such as weight, size, and even shape. The best thing is that you can program these robots to examine parameters depending on your needs. By automating the entire production process, you can rest assured that every product leaving the production line meets all the set standards.
Improved productivity and Less Expenditure
Injection molding is a highly repetitive process. Considering that humans have a short concentration span, doing the same task over and over again can get them bored. Robots can relieve your employees from such monotonous tasks leaving them to focus on more productive functions. Robots also perform tasks faster than humans. They don’t get tired, nor do they need breaks. Besides, a single robot can complete tasks that initially required many people. Most of the companies in the manufacturing sector are finding it challenging to fill vacant positions on the production floor. Robots can now be used to fill such positions.
Cobots Can Multitask
Cobots are all-round performers. They can be used in almost every section of the production floor. For instance, a robot used for injection molding can also be used to complete other manual tasks in the factory. Modern robots are easy to program, and most of them allow for the installation of custom-made software.
The only thing you need is to create a proper schedule to have robots working in different areas of production. Nowadays, it takes minimal time to perform changeovers. All you need is to feed the robot with the new instructions, and within no time, it will be ready to take on the new task.
Enhanced Safety
Workplace injuries harm not only the employees, but also the company’s productivity. Besides, the company might be forced to compensate employees for injuries sustained at work. Incorporating robots in your production process can save you the hassle of hiring lawyers and paying huge sums of money to injured employees.
Robots can complete tasks even in the most dangerous environments without any problem. Their productivity doesn’t go down because they are working in a potentially hazardous environment. Besides, modern robots have inbuilt features that help them to work amongst humans. They have built-in sensors and cameras that continuously scan their environment, thus reducing the risk of causing accidents.
Ensuring Consistency
A manufacturer producing a million units of a particular material must ensure that every unit is precisely the same. It’s almost impossible to ensure consistency in mass production when relying on human labor. On their part, robots follow instructions fed to them to make each unit. They are extremely precise, which ensures consistency in all the products. This aspect also helps to reduce defective products.